The Existential Psychoanalytic Institute announces that its new journal issue, focus on freedom and constraints in the contemporary era, will release its 2020-21 issue this spring.
Based on the following Call for Papers:
The EPIS Psychoanalytic Institute is accepting papers for its 2021 conference on the meaning of freedom today, given current social and political structure, sophisticated technology, complex laws and regulations, the Internet, unprecedented levels of violence, and an unparalleled semio-capitalism and economy of commodification.
While looking to past theories in psychoanalysis and phenomenology is important, this conference will focus on new, creative ideas, concepts, and theories. The goal is to produce presentations and papers that explore innovative work in psychoanalysis and phenomenology as it pertains to the construction of self-constitution, autonomy, meaning, and freedom in a world that is hyper-dominated by the quest for acquisition, profit, and possession, and complex linguistic structures that create inertia, confusion, and sedimentation.
Our hope is to produce papers that explore alienated relationships between humans and structuralized semiology of capitalism of the lived world, life, and the given, and our contemporary understanding of psychoanalysis and phenomenology. This involves, necessarily, psychoanalytic thinking, critical theory, applied phenomenology, praxis, and potentials for transformative change, individually and collectively. Please refer to for policies.
Traditionally, however, psychologists and psychoanalysts will use APA-Style guide and philosophers will use the Chicago Manual of Style. Please also submit a paper for the 2020 journal issue even if you cannot attend the conference. Please submit these papers to Kevin Boileau, PhD, at